What do You do when Hunger Strikes?

When hunger strikes have a plan to keep snacks healthy and filling. Find out ways to get needed energy in between meals, avoiding relying on processed foods and snacks.

What do You do when Hunger Strikes?
What do You do when Hunger Strikes?
What do You do when Hunger Strikes?

When hunger strikes, what is your go to snack? Being prepared is half the battle...try to have a snack with you at all times either at your work desk, backpack, workout bag, or purse. This can help curb your appetite until the next meal.

Snacking is ok and very healthy when it's in response to hunger vs other reasons like emotional stress, boredom, or just visual cues.

Remember to ask yourself "am I hungry" before eating to determine if it's true hunger.

Follow your body signals of hunger and fullness as a guide. Eat nice and slow, savoring each bite!

A snack between lunch and dinner is usually necessary due to the length of time between meals. We usually need fuel every 3-4 hours. A snack at this time can also give you an energy and nutritional boost too.

Here are some tips for snacking keeping your health and weight goals in mind:

  • Try to avoid snacks that come in a bag or a box- most snacks from a bag or box come in multiples like chips, pretzels, crackers etc. It can be hard to stop at the serving size indicated. Try to eat real food vs highly processed to reap the benefits from the natural vitamins and minerals.
  • If you do have a snack from a package follow the serving size on the package and use that as a guide for a snack size portion.
  • Try to include a fiber and protein source to fill you up longer- ex: apple with 1 Tbsp PB, or plain greek yogurt with 1/2 cup berries, or vegetables with 1/3 cup hummus, or cheese stick with 1/4 cup nuts/seeds...you get the idea!...
  • Check the food label of your favorite snacks- remember the #5 for at least 5 grams of fiber and protein with 5 or less grams of sugars.
  • Hydrate with water to boost energy and fill you up. Sometimes we think we are hungry when our body is asking for hydration, so drink water often!

What are your go to snacks?...

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